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School Policies

Registration & Payment

All registrations for courses can be made at and registration is complete once payment is made in full.  Course fees include class tuition and digital course materials.  By registering for any course with the Iowa Real Estate Academy, you ensure that you are the person attending the course and completing any coursework including examinations.  Advanced registration is strongly encouraged and if student is registering less than 48 hours in advance, confirmation is encouraged to avoid any miscommunication for a class that may have been canceled due to a lack of registration.

All courses are approved by the Iowa Real Estate Commission, however, any information provided in any course should not be used as a substitute for legal advice & all information, including quiz materials, are presented to the best of the instructor’s knowledge.

Classroom Standards

Live Courses:  Live Courses at the Iowa Real Estate Academy are hosted via Zoom Conference. Zoom log in information will be provided via email once student is fully registered for the course.  In accordance with the Iowa Real Estate Commission not only is full time attendance required, students are required to have both camera and microphone.

In addition, students are STRONGLY encouraged to be in a professional type setting (no driving or noisy areas), with few distractions such as people or pets.  Just remember, we can all see your activity so smoking, eating or lounging can all be seen as distractions by the entire group. Students may select to use the background settings in Zoom.

Live Classroom Courses: On the occasion a course or event is held in a physical location, the location information will be noted in the course description and in the confirmation email once the student has fully registered.


Late Arrivals: According to the Iowa Real Estate Commission’s Administrative rules, a student who arrives late, leaves during class or leaves early will not receive a certificate of completion and as a policy of the Iowa Real Estate Acadmey will be treated as a no-show for the course. FULL TIME attendance is REQUIRED for the entire course in order to receive class credit and a certificate of completion.

Certificates of Completion: Certificates of Completion will be available within 24 hours of class completion in each student’s account at  Licensees are responsible for all certificates, tracking courses needed for license application or number of hours needed to license renewal, plus license application or renewal with the Professional Licensing Bureau.

Cancellation and Rescheduling

Cancellation by School
In the event of instructor illness, lack of enrollment or any other extreme circumstance, the Iowa Real Estate Academy reserves the right cancel a class. If for some reason these rare events occur, the student will be given the option of a full refund or credit towards registration for a future class conducted within 180 days of original class date. In the case of a live course at a physical location, cancellation due to weather may follow the standards of West Des Moines School District to which the cancellation policies previously mentioned would also apply.  Minimum class attendance: 10, Maximum class attendance: 75

Cancellation or Re-Scheduling by Student
Live Courses:
 In the event a student must cancel, a full refund is only guaranteed if the Iowa Real Estate Academy is notified 72 hours prior to the beginning of the class. If less than 72 hours notice, the student will be refunded less $25 OR may use tuition to reschedule for a future class conducted within 180 days of original class date. If a student does not show for registered class, they will be charged the full amount of the course with no credit towards rescheduling for future classes.

Online Courses: All courses must be completed within 6 months of purchase date, per the Iowa Real Estate Commission. Students must attest via affidavit to their course participation & completion for each online course.  For technology issues with online courses, contact or 515-321-1715 (M-F 8am-5pm) for a response within 24 hours. Refunds for online courses may only be made within five days of purchase and only if the course has not been started or completed.

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